Friday, July 15, 2016

Friday Faves + hey Prey

Hi friends! Happy Friday! Hope you’ve had a wonderful week so far. I’m so happy you’re enjoying the Summer Shape Up! Newsletter friends, your week 2 details will be out later this morning. I’m so excited to watch you all crush your health and fitness goals this summer.

I’m here at the IDEA World Fitness Conference! I’m always thrilled for the opportunity to attend and to be surrounded by others who are passionate about sharing health and fitness with others. IDEA is packed with classes, lectures, and resources, so I’ll be human sponge-ing it up this weekend, soaking in everything I can. I always return home inspired and with a list of new ideas to implement in my classes. It’s my teaching recharger for the year. 🙂 Also, I’ve been invited to attend BlogFest, so I’ll be able to meet fellow bloggers (YAY) and learn some new tips for making this little space even better for ya.

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(with Jess and Ashley)

It’s time to share some faves from the week and around the web. I’d love to hear what you’re enjoying this week if you’d like to play along in the comments sections. 

The Pilot is baaaaack. He was gone this week, so it was just the girls in our house. We had so much fun: walks with the pups, meeting up with friends, Kids Ventures, 

Kid ventures

dinner at Ranchos,


not shopping,

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and making cookies.

Making cookies

I love special time with the noodles, and I enjoy them so much, but it’s the best when the whole family is together. So happy that my favorite guy is back. 

We took a little family walk to Tiki Port before he left.

Family walk

Tiki port

(The peanut butter supreme smoothie is my current fave: banana, almond milk, chia seeds, cinnamon, peanut butter and honey. I helped Liv out with her acai bowl, too.)

Summer Shape Up Week 1! (Newsletter friends, you’ll get your Week 2 info later today and everything will be posted here on the blog Monday morning.) It makes me so happy to see your beautiful sweaty faces, hear about workout triumphs, and see your healthy meal ideas. Keep that momentum going in Week 2!

Pics from our fabulous Facebook group:

Ssu week 1

Ok, so this one is a huge deal and something I’m ecstatic over-the-moon stoked about. It’s kind of a long story, but here is the nutshell version:

You guys remember the Planet of the Crepes food truck we would frequent at the Sunday farmer’s market in Tucson?


(Liv was so tiny!) 


My parents are the new owners. 🙂 They fun it at the Sunday market (if you’d like to go say hi!), and the rest of the week, they’ve told Kyle that he could use the food truck for pop-up dinners or something fun. (For my new reader friends: My brother Kyle is a super talented young chef.)

Here is his “something fun”:


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He started Prey Concepts with a friend, and they’re doing pop-up food truck stops around Tucson. Wednesday night was their soft opening, and here’s what the menu looked like:

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(Jam thing = the dessert/snack of my childhood. Whenever we would go to my great-grandmother’s house, she would make us a jam thing with fresh tortilla, butter, and jam, rolled up like a little burrito. Heavenly.)

AHHHH I wish I could have been there! The food looks amazing, and I’m so proud of him. Can’t wait to see what happens with Prey. And if you’re a Tucson friend, check out their Insta page here.

All of the wonderful Beautycounter support! So happy you’re all excited about it! Tonight is the last chance to get your free sunscreen stick or makeup brush bag with orders over $55.

Learn how to meditate anytime anywhere.

Fast and easy dinner recipes.

And then there are those times the doctors are absolutely right. haha

An inspirational story about the power of moving and doing something you love.

Julie’s egg white pizza bake. I made this last week for easy breakfasts and can’t wait to make it again. 

Egg white pizza bake

Mango chia pudding.

Can’t wait to try this HIIT workout.

This salmon recipe looks amaze.

I’m kind of intrigued by these hair vitamins.

Happy Friday, friends!



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