Friday, July 1, 2016

Mindy Kaling's Description of a Perfect Indoor Cycling Class Instructor Is Hilarious

If you've taken an indoor cycling class, you're probably familiar with the types of instructors. The drill sergeant, the preacher, the best friend (looking good, Sam!) - we've seen them all. Hilarious Mindy Kaling shared her own criteria on for "My Dream Spin Class Instructor," and it's spot on. We've included our five favorites ahead - if you come across an instructor that meets Mindy's needs, let us know ASAP.

  • "Will not ask us to interact with the people next to us: No high fives, no saying "I'm proud of you.", no turning up their resistance for them."
  • "Will tell us about their lives but not very much: I like knowing you were a little hungover this morning. I don't like knowing you had problematic parents."
  • "Will not call me out by name in the positive or the affirmative: I'm a ghost, I want to flit around in sweaty anonymity."
  • "Will keep to the times she or he announces: If you say "10 seconds left" and then it's like 40, I'm literally so betrayed and pissed I cannot speak."
  • "Not spend a ton of time feting a rider with a birthday: "We all have birthdays! I'm not riding for Susan on her 27th birthday! I don't care!"

from POPSUGAR Fitness

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