Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Magic Number to Remember on Your Cheat Day http://ift.tt/1nnmZSU

According to Chris and Heidi Powell, the celebrity-trainer power couple on the ABC show Extreme Weight Loss, "Anytime you deprive yourself of food, or of anything, all you want is what you can't have!" This is one of the major reasons that cheat days - or what the Powells prefer to call "reward days" - are built into their clients' weight-loss plans.

While these indulgent days can be part of a healthy weight-loss plan, the Powells don't recommend a calorie free-for-all at breakfast, lunch, and dinner! The magic number for Heidi and Chris is 1,000. One day a week, many of the Powells' clients are allowed to have "up to 1,000 extra calories of whatever kind of food they want." This reward helps clients "stick to the plan for a longer period of time and see results forever." Heidi and Chris believe these rewards are essential so we never feel guilt when we indulge; when guilt is eliminated, dieters can make a permanent shift and reshape old habits.

The one limitation of this 1,000-calorie reward is that trigger foods are not part of the program. If you can relate to having an out-of-control or out-of-body overeating experience, it's important to recognize which foods trigger you in this way - most likely, they're calorie-dense, sugar-rich, and carb-heavy. Heidi says that she and Chris recommend their clients stay away from the foods that trigger the "slippery slope" of overeating, since they "put you in a state where you can't control yourself." Once you're aware (and steer clear) of the foods that affect you in this way, those 1,000 calories are up for grabs!

from POPSUGAR Fitness http://ift.tt/1tzBch6

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