Wednesday, February 25, 2015

5 Truths About Working Out on Your Period

Just because it's your time of the month doesn't mean you can't get your sweat on. We partnered with Tampax® Pearl® Active™ to bust through myths about exercising with your period.

The last thing I usually feel like doing when my period hits is anything strenuous, but the fact is, a girl's gotta work out. And it doesn't matter how old you are or what your exercise regime is, there are confusing facts floating around about what you really can do when it's that time of the month. It's OK - we're here to help.

  1. Exercise helps with your mood swings: You may have been told you should kick your feet up and take it easy during your period, but even light exercise actually helps with PMS. Your body releases endorphins when you exercise, which send happy feelings throughout your body. So get up and do some light cardio and you'll feel better.

  2. You have more energy than you think: The week of your period and the week after, your body releases more hormones, giving you an energy boost. You might not feel it, as you're all bloated and ornery, but your body is more than OK with that workout. Take it easy and only push yourself if you're feeling up to it.

  3. Stick to your comfort zone: Make sure to listen to your body and only work out to a level that's comfortable. If you get to a lower percentage of body weight than is normal for your height, your body starts shutting down functions that aren't necessary - your time of the month being one of them, causing a delayed period or even skipped menstrual cycles. It's smart to stick with your regular workout schedule and eat healthy.

  4. Water is actually your friend: Some think the pool is off-limits during your period, but that's just not true. Doing a bit of swimming or relaxing in a hot shower after a sweaty workout helps circulation, which calms cramps. Just make sure to use the right type of protection. And you might think you have the heaviest period of all time, but you only lose around four tablespoons of blood during your menstrual cycle.

  5. Get your om on: If you don't feel like sticking with your cardio routine while feeling bloated, you might find yoga is a great solution for toning muscles and easing cramps. And if you suffer from lower-back pain during your time of the month, these moves are a must. Really, give it a try.

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