Packing your lunch and snacks for the day is one of the most effective ways to lose weight because it allows you to be in control of the calories you consume. Take your planning one step further by labeling food with the time you should eat it and the number of calories it contains. Visually tracking your food for the day will make you more likely to stick to a healthy meal plan, and less likely to skip ahead and be left with an empty lunch box by 1 p.m., necessitating a trip to the local vending machine.
It'll be a little time-consuming in the beginning, but once you figure out a handful of your favorite low-calorie snack and lunch ideas, you can rotate them throughout the week, and labeling them won't take but a few extra minutes. Your best bet is to pack your food the night before so you're not rushed in the morning. Check out the example below:
8:00: Greek yogurt with blueberries and granola: 120 + 42 + 120 = 282
10:00: Banana with 9 cashews: 105 + 54 = 159
12:00: Split pea soup, slice of bread with hummus: 326 + 145 = 471
3:00: Apple with cheese stick: 80 + 80 = 160
from POPSUGAR Fitness
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