Saturday, October 18, 2014

Take a Break and Burn 50 Calories With These Quick Workout Ideas

Take six minutes out of today to burn 50 calories without even realizing it. Even if you don't do these all at once, a few minutes of effort adds up to an extra calorie-burning boost throughout your day. Here's how.

  1. Jump rope for one minute: If you don't have a jump rope, mimic the movements and remember to keep your feet off the floor when you jump. You'll burn 11 calories per minute.

  2. Do high knees for one minute: Lift your knees high and do this quickly for it to be the most effective. You'll burn around six calories.

  3. Run up the stairs for one minute. The next time you take a lunch break, use the stairs. Running up the stairs will burn 10 calories a minute for a 120-pound person. If you don't want to run, walking will burn five calories a minute.

  4. Do jumping jacks for one minute: Burn eight calories while you jump.

  5. Do burpees for one minute: Spice up your workout with one minute of burpees; you'll burn approximately eight calories. Follow along to our one-minute burpee video challenge here!

  6. Drop and do one minute of push-ups: At a vigorous pace, you'll burn eight calories.

Total calories burned in six minutes: 51. Repeat any of these one-minute challenges throughout the day and tally up your calorie burn for an effective workout you can fit in almost anywhere!

All calorie counts based on a 130-pound woman unless otherwise noted.

from POPSUGAR Fitness

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