Monday, September 8, 2014

Back-to-School Cardio Blast (With a Playlist!)

For a high-intensity quick cardio session, this 25-minute workout will get your heart pumping while you groove. Each tune on this seven-song Spotify playlist alternates between two basic exercises. Perform 20 reps of one exercise before switching to the next, and keep on moving until the song runs out. Move at a steady pace that works for you, and don't be afraid to take a quick 10-second breather or water break if you need one - this will be a pretty intense 25 minutes! Subscribe to the Spotify playlist, then check out the workout.

1. "Finally Moving" - Pretty LightsSquats and Lunges
2. "Good Time" - Owl CityRun in Place With High Knees and Jumping Jacks
3. "Moves Like Jagger" - Maroon 5Side Skaters and Mountain Climbers
4. "It's Time" - Imagine DragonsSquats and Lunges
5. "Everybody Talks" - Neon TreesRun in Place With High Knees and Jumping Jacks
6. "Sunlight" - Harlem ShakesSide Skaters and Mountain Climbers
7. "Whistle" - Flo RidaSquats and Lunges

Remember, you will need to download the free Spotify software or app to listen to our playlists.

from POPSUGAR Fitness

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